Innovation Ecosystem
The innovation ecosystem is created by all actors whose activities influence the quality of scientific inquiry, research, development, and innovation, including their interrelationships.
In this respect, the RIS3 Strategy of the Olomouc Region provides guidance for all actors involved in the territory of the Olomouc Region as to where they should efficiently channel their resources. Implementation of the Strategy and the management of the EDP (entrepreneurial discovery process) are supervised by the RIS3 team comprising the representatives of the Innovation centre of the Olomouc Region (ICOK) and the Olomouc Regional Authority.
Development opportunities in research, development, and innovations are formally assessed within the structure of the Regional Innovation Council of the Olomouc Region (RICOR) with its ad hoc thematic Regional Innovation Platforms (RIP). These platforms follow the principle of the “triple helix”; i.e., they comprise representatives of universities and research organisations (academic sector), entrepreneurs/companies/clusters (application sector), and public administration. The current structure of RICOR and regional innovation platforms is available in the Downloads section.